The team finished the first official race weekend over April 18th and 19th. Five team members raced the crazy mudfest at Bonebender on April 18th. Most of the course was Hike a bike. Three members finished in the top 13 out of 58 racers. Two team members raced Neosho on Sunday, finishing in the top 4 of each racing class! All in all a great start to the racing season. We have many more races to go, so be prepared for more detailed racing reports!
The team members from st. Joe are planning a Crowder State Park ride for Saturday May 9th. Please refer to the for more details regarding this mountain bike team ride. With the mountain bike racing season looking lean, there are a seris of time trials and the state road races coming up over the next few months. There is also a dirt track racing series schedule for KC area starting the first Thursday Night in June and runs into September, this could help get our dirt fix and have a great time! For all Kansas city area racing information go to for more details on upcoming races.
The next team sponsored race will be Rapture of Misery Held August 15th. This is a 6 hr / 12 hr. mountain bike race. You can do individual, duo team for the 6 hr., and/or 3 person teams for the 12 hr. We can plan accordingly for this race, but mark your calendar for this event, it will be another Epic endeavor!
Please go to to see the Monday Night SPIN! rides and Saturday rides from Lee Summit SPIN! starting on June 6th. Any team member is welcome to come do the rides and get 10% off of pizza after each ride. is also the official ride coordinator for Joel's Ride being held May 31st in Southern Johnson County. Any team member who helps with the ride will earn $25.00 toward a race entry of your choice. Please let me know if you can come down and help with this event by May 26th.
One last note, for those who need a NORBA license or USA Cycling road license you can purchase your license at When you register yourself, use team code 12551 which is the racing / club ID number.
Gear up for a great Summer of riding and hope to see you on the road or trails soon!
Ride on!
JP Shores
Team Director